PupRing Blog
They say love knows no bounds, and that couldn’t be more true when it comes to our pets. This Valentine’s Day, while you’re showering your loved ones with affection, don’t forget the little (or big!) furry friend who gives you unconditional love all year round.
Whether you are an avid do-it-yourself trainer for your dog, or you haven’t even tried teaching the basics of “sit”, you should consider working with a dog trainer at least once in your puppy-parenthood! It may not be something you...
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I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely ready for some warmer weather to come. More sunshine, looking for things to turn green again, and better weather for experiencing the great outdoors! And if you’re thinking about taking your dog...
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If you find your dog looking a little more bored than usual, you may be tempted to run out to the store and buy some new fancy toys! And while giving your pup something shiny and new to play with...
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When you think about getting your dog the exercise it needs, you probably just think about going on walks or spending some time playing tug. While you’re not wrong, that’s only half the story! In order to be the healthiest...
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